Want to Participate in a Sport?
Can spectators attend practice?
No Spectators at practice or intrasquads. Spectators can attend games.
Clearance for Offseason
Must have “Register My Athlete” (aka RMA) profile created with the liability form updated.
Injuries / Rehab
Players that see doctors outside Jay “Horizon Athletic Trainer”
Must bring a signed note from the doctor to be able to participate in workouts. Throwing programs for players rehabbing, must bring a copy of throwing program to Coach P. We want to make sure that we stick to the plan that was provided to the player.
Tax Credits
Support Husky Baseball and consider contributing up to $400 as a tax credit.
Mission Statement: To foster school spirit and create a safe positive environment for our students to achieve their highest potential. PAWS supports scholarships, graduation events, school related activities, fine art programs, sports programs, grants, anti-bullying programs, drug and alcohol prevention, and continuing communication between the district, administration, staff and parents.
PAWS Membership: $30 per year. You can designate $5 of that donation to go directly to the club of your choice, including Baseball.
PAWS meetings are open to the public, so please feel free to join us. The meeting schedule as well as information on becoming a member are on the website at https://horizonboosterclub.com.